This may be scorned by genealogists, but based on the information that I have for giggles, I have my history to the Saxons:
Generation One
1. Eadwulf King of Saxons Bamborough, b. 870 in Northumberland, England, d. 918 in Bamburgh, Northumberland, England.
2. i. Ealdred st High Reeve Bamborough.
Generation Two
2. Ealdred st High Reeve Bamborough, b. in Bamborough, Northumberland, England, d. 1006 in England.
3. i. Osulf I Earl of Bernicia.
Generation Three
3. Osulf I Earl of Bernicia, b. in Northumberland, England, d. in England. He married Estrid Svendsdatter, d. 9 May 1047 in Roskilde, Roskilde, Denmark, b. in Denmark.
4. i. Walthe of NORTHUMBRIA b. 963.
Generation Four
4. Walthe of NORTHUMBRIA, d. 1006 in Bamborough, Northumberland, England, b. 963 in Bamburgh, Northumberland, England.
5. i. Ughtred de LATHAM.
Generation Five
5. Ughtred de LATHAM, d. 1016 in Wighill, Yorkshire, England, b. in Northumberland, Northumberland, England. He married Elfgifu Elgiva England (daughter of Ethelred the Unready Redeless Aethelred Wessex and Aelfgifu Or Aelflaed Gunnarsson), d. 1098 in Mercia, England, b. 1000 in Wessex, England.
6. i. Dunning Fitz Ughtred, Sir Earl of Lathom, Latham b. 1031.
Generation Six
6. Dunning Fitz Ughtred, Sir Earl of Lathom, Latham, d. 12 Oct 1092 in Lathom, Lancashire, England, b. 1031 in Saxon, England. He married Marigard of Essex, b. 6 Feb 1033 in Essex, England, d. 6 Aug 1073 in Lathom, Lancashire, England.
7. i. Siward fitz Dunning Lathom b. 4 Jul 1073.
Generation Seven
7. Siward fitz Dunning Lathom, d. 9 Jan 1095 in Lathom, Lancashire, England, b. 4 Jul 1073 in Lathom, Lancashire, England. He married Helga of Kevelioc, b. 4 Mar 1074 in Kevelioc, Monmouthshire, Wales, d. 13 Dec 1094 in Laxton, Lancashire, England.
8. i. Henry fitz Siward Lathom b. 27 Apr 1093.
Generation Eight
8. Henry fitz Siward Lathom, d. 12 Jun 1128 in Latham, Yorkshire, England, b. 27 Apr 1093 in Lathom House, Lancashire, England. He married Alice Woodward, b. 4 Apr 1094 in Battersea, London, England, d. 14 Apr 1165 in Chapelry Lathom, Lancashire, England.
9. i. Robert Fitzhenry DeLatham b. 1135.
Generation Nine
9. Robert Fitzhenry DeLatham, d. 2 Dec 1185 in Latham, Logan, England, b. 1135 in Latham, Yorkshire, England. He married Emma DeGrelle, d. 1172 in 1668706, Lancashire, England, b. 1152 in 1668706, Lancashire, England.
10. i. Richard DeLatham b. 1172.
Generation Ten
10. Richard DeLatham, d. 1220 in Lancashire, England, b. 1172 in Lancashire, England. He married Alice Nelson, d. 1200 in Yorkshire, England, b. 1172 in England.
11. i. Robert De Latham b. 1198.
Generation Eleven
11. Robert De Latham, b. 1198 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England, d. 1286 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England. He married Amicia De Alfreton, d. 11 Nov 1250 in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England, b. 1228 in Lancaster, Lancashire, England.
12. i. Thomas Lathom b. 1301.
Generation Twelve
12. Thomas Lathom, b. 1301 in Lancashire, England, d. 14 Sep 1370 in Lancashire, England. He married Eleanor DeFerrers, d. 1375 in Lathom, Lancashire, England, b. 1305 in Chartley Castle, Staffordshire, England.
13. i. Sir Thomas II Latham Lathom b. 1330.
Generation Thirteen
13. Sir Thomas II Latham Lathom, b. 1330 in Lathom, Lancastershire, England, d. 1382 in Lancashire, England. He married Joan DeVenables, b. 1332 in Kinderton, Cheshire, England, d. 18 Aug 1397 in Ormskirk, Lancashire, England.
14. i. Isabel Lathom b. 1364.
Generation Fourteen
14. Isabel Lathom, b. 1364 in Knowsley, Lancashire, England, d. 26 Oct 1414 in Lathom, Lancashire, England. She married Sir John DeStanley, 1385 in Of, Lancashire, England, (son of Alice Lady of Timperley, Cheshire Massey), d. 6 Jan 1414 in Ardee, Dublin, Ireland, b. 1362 in Newton, Cheshire, England.
i. William Stanley, b. 1380 in Stourton, Cheshire, England, d. Feb 1428 in Wirral, Cheshire, England.
ii. Isabel Stanley, d. 1431, b. 1385 in Stourton, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA.
iii. John Stanley, b. 1386 in Lathom, Lancashire, England, d. 27 Nov 1437 in Anslesey, Wales.
iv. Henry Stanley, b. 1388 in Stourton, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA.
v. Margaret Stanley, b. 1390 in Stourton, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA.
15. vi. Thomas Stanley b. 1392.
vii. Ralph Stanley, b. 1394 in Stourton, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA.
Generation Fifteen
15. Thomas Stanley, d. 1463 in Knowsley, Lancashire, Olde England, b. 1392 in Elford, Staffordshire, Olde England. He married (1) Elizabeth Bor de Bar, b. 1400 in Elford, Staffordshire, Olde England, d. 1435 in Elford, Staffordshire, Olde England.
i. Anne Stanley, b. 1420 in Elford, Staffordshire, England, d. 31 Jan 1487 in Colton, Staffordshire, England.
ii. John Stanley, d. 1474 in Efford, Staffordshire, England, b. 1423 in Elford, Staffordshire, England.
iii. Katherine Stanley, b. 1430 in Stanley, Derbyshire, England, d. 1498 in Clifton, Cheshire, England.
16. iv. George Stanley b. 1435.
v. William Lord Stanley, d. 16 Feb 1493 in Holt Castle, Cheshire, England, b. 1424 in Hornby Castle, Lancashire, England.
Generation Sixteen
16. George Stanley, d. 1508 in Lichfield, Staffordshire, England, b. 1435 in Hammerwich, Lichfield, Staffordshire, England. He married Eleanor Sutton, 1469 in Lichfield, Staffordshire, Olde England, d. 1513 in Wednesbury, Staffordshire, England, b. 1439 in Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, England.
17. i. Joan Stanley b. 1400.
Generation Seventeen
17. Joan Stanley, d. 1430 in Staffordshire, England, b. 1400 in Bramwige, Staffordshire, England. She married William Underhill, 1423 (son of Thomas Underhill and Elena Thomas), d. 1443 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, b. 1381 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England.
18. i. Nicholas Underhill b. 1411.
Generation Eighteen
18. Nicholas Underhill, d. 1489 in Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England, b. 1411 in Stafford, Warwickshire, England. He married Batte, 1449 in 1678812, Warwickshire, England, d. 1453 in England, b. 1430 in Long Compton, Warwickshire, England.
19. i. John Underhill b. 1450.
Generation Nineteen
19. John Underhill, b. 1450 in Manor Nether Ettington, Warwickshire, England, d. 29 Nov 1518 in Manor Nether Ettington, Warwickshire, England. He married (1) Agnes Porter, b. 1450 in Manor Nether Ettington, Warwickshire, England, d. 2 Apr 1526 in Manor, Warwickshire, England. He married (2) Susan Slade, 1464 (daughter of William Slade), d. 1478 in England, b. 1435 in Mastoke, Warwickshire, England.
20. i. Edward Underhill b. 1486.
Generation Twenty
20. Edward Underhill, d. 7 Mar 1547 in Ettington, Warwickshire, England, b. 1486 in Ettington, Warwickshire, England. He married Margaret Middlemore, 1518 in 1678812, Warwickshire, England, b. 1490 in Edgbaston, Warwickshire, England, d. 1563 in Eatington, Warwickshire, England.
i. Thomas Underhill, b. 1510, d. 1511.
ii. William Underhill, b. 1512 in 1678904, Warwickshire, England, d. 31 Mar 1570 in 1679114, Warwickshire, England.
iii. Humphrey Underhill, b. 1514, d. 1515.
21. iv. John Underhill b. 1515.
21st Generation
21. John Underhill, d. 10 Sep 1601 in Whitchurch, Warwickshire, England, b. 1515 in Crimscote, Warwickshire, England. He married Marjory Wylmer, 27 Nov 1547 in Preston On Stour, Warwickshire, England, b. 1525 in Maxstoke, Warwickshire, England (daughter of William Wilmer and Julian Spencer), d. 1 Apr 1607 in Whitchurch, Warwickshire, England.
i. Thomas Underhill, d. 26 Feb 1561 in 1679188, Warwickshire, England, b. 1550 in Whitechurch, Pembrokeshire, Wales.
22. ii. Katherine Underhill b. 1552.
iii. Edward Underhill, d. 5 May 1601 in Whitchurch, Buckinghamshire, England, b. 1556 in Whitechurch, England.
iv. Humphrey Underhill, d. 29 Nov 1634 in Whitchurch, Worcestershire, England, b. 1559 in 1678775, Warwickshire, England.
22nd Generation
22. Katherine Underhill, b. 1552 in Whitechurch, England, d. 1 May 1623 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England. She married John Garner, 1571 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England, d. 1620 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England, b. 1550 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England.
23. i. John Garner b. 24 Jul 1578.
23rd Generation
23. John Garner, b. 24 Jul 1578 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England, d. 24 Jul 1628 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England. He married Joan Underwood, 17 Jun 1598 in Shropshire, England (daughter of JOSEPH UNDERWOOD and Rebecca Shattuck), d. 31 Jan 1630 in Shropshire, England, b. 1585 in Shropshire, England.
i. Elizabeth Garner, b. 1600.
ii. John Garner, b. 1601.
iii. Anne Garner, b. 1603.
24. iv. Richard Garner b. 1604.
24th Generation
24. Richard Garner, d. 1643 in Henrico, Virginia, United States, b. 1604 in Stanton Lacy, Shropshire, England. He married (1) Katharn Lacye, 2 Sep 1634 in Shropshire, England, b. 1610 in Wales (daughter of Richard Lacye), d. 1635 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England. He married (2) Mary Lacye, d. 24 Oct 1631 in Canterbury, Kent, England, b. 1613 in Canterbury, Kent, England.
i. John Garner, b. 30 NOV. 1632 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, d. 3 DEC. 1632 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England.
25. ii. John Garner b. 2 Sep 1633.
iii. Martha Garner, b. 1635 in Shropshire, England.
iv. Mary Garner, d. 1636 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, b. 1636 in Shropshire, England.
25th Generation
25. John Garner, b. 2 Sep 1633 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England, d. 26 May 1702 in Kinsdale, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States. He married Susanna Keene, 1660 in VA (daughter of Thomas Keene and Mary Thorley), d. 28 March 1716 in Kinsdale, Westmoreland, VA, USA, b. Dec 1646 in Kent Island, Potamac River, Maryland, United States.
i. John Garner, b. January 20, 1663 in Lewisetta, Northumberland, Virginia, d. March 25, 1713 in Westmoreland County, Virginia, USA.
ii. Henry Garner, b. 1664 in Westmoreland, Virginia, United States, d. 1745 in Cople Parish, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States.
26. iii. Thomas Garner b. 1668.
iv. Benjamin Garner, b. 1670 in Westmoreland, Virginia, United States, d. 28 May 1718 in Cople, Westmoreland, Virginia, United States.
v. James Garner, d. 18 Jan 1726 in Northumberland, Virginia, United States, b. 1672.
vi. Parish Garner, d. 29 Mar 1718 in Northumberland, Virginia, United States, b. 1674 in Northumberland, Virginia, United States.
vii. Martha Garner, b. 1677 in Westmoreland, Virginia, United States, d. 20 Apr 1726 in Westmoreland, Virginia, United States.
viii. Susan Garner, b. 1679 in Virginia, United States, d. 1701.
26th Generation
26. Thomas Garner, b. 1668 in Stafford, VA, USA, d. 13 Jul 1726 in Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States. He married Mary Bushnell, 1694 in VA, b. 1673 in Northumberland, Virginia, United States (daughter of Charles Bushnell and Mary Bushnell), d. 27 Mar 1738 in Frederick, Virginia, United States.
i. John Garner, b. 1708 in Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States, d. 25 Jun 1762 in Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States.
ii. Vincent Garner, b. 1712 in Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States, d. 27 Jun 1796 in Fauquier, Virginia, United States.
iii. James Garner, d. 1726 in Winchester, Frederick, Virginia, United States, b. 1717 in Stafford, Stafford, Virginia, United States.
27. iv. PARISH Garner b. 1720.
v. Charles Garner, b. 1724.
27th Generation
27. PARISH Garner, b. 1720 in Stafford, Virginia, USA, d. 1796 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He married MARGARET Sturdy, b. 1725 in Surry, North Carolina, USA, d. 1800 in Orange, North Carolina, USA.
28. i. Lewis Garner b. 1750.
28th Generation
28. Lewis Garner, b. 1750 in Stafford, Virginia, USA, d. 1815 in Orange, North Carolina, USA. He married (1) Barbara Andrews (daughter of Adam D Andrews), d. 1828 in Moore County, North Carolina, b. 1758 in Moore, North Carolina, USA.
29. i. Lewis Garner b. 1793.
ii. ENOCH Garner, b. abt 1775 in Walton, Georgia, USA.
iii. Sturdy II Garner, d. 1870 in Franklin, Georgia, United States, b. 1777 in North Carolina, United States.
iv. John Garner, d. 23 Apr 1847 in Gwinnett, Georgia, United States, b. 1783 in North Carolina, United States.
v. Argy Garner, b. 1787 in North Carolina, United States, d. 1850 in RAndolph, Randolph, Alabama, United States.
vi. William Garner, b. 1788 in North Carolina, United States.
vii. Kate Howell Garner, b. 1789 in North Carolina, United States.
viii. Sally Garner, b. 1791 in North Carolina, United States.
ix. Lewis Jr Garner, b. 1793 in Howards Mill, Moore, North Carolina, United States, d. 1879 in Ryans Glade, Garrett, Maryland, United States.
x. James Garner, b. 25 Aug 1795 in North Carolina, United States, d. 5 Oct 1869 in Gwinnett, Georgia, United States.
xi. Sukey Garner, b. 1797 in Orange, North Carolina, United States.
xii. Starling Garner, d. 1848 in Oconee, South Carolina, United States, b. 1800 in Union, Union, South Carolina, United States.
xiii. Thomas Garner, d. 1835 in Oconee, South Carolina, United States, b. 1801 in Laurens, Laurens, South Carolina, United States.
xiv. George Washington Garner, b. 16 Mar 1815 in North Carolina, United States, d. 27 Mar 1883 in Montfort, Navarro, Texas, United States.
29th Generation
29. Lewis Garner, b. 1793 in Howards Mill Area, Moore, North Carolina, United States, d. 1879 in Ryans Glade, Garrett, Maryland, United States. He married Elizabeth Rickmeyer, b. 1799 in Moore, North Carolina, United States, d. 1860.
30. i. William Willie Garner b. 7 Oct 1791.
ii. Malinda Garner, d. 1885-01-20, b. 1804 in Virginia, USA.
30th Generation
30. William Willie Garner, d. 3 Nov 1869 in Kingwood, Preston, West Virginia, United States, b. 7 Oct 1791 in Loudon, Virginia, United States. He married Frances Roberts, b. 1790 in Preston, West Virginia, United States, d. 1870 in Preston, West Virginia, United States.
31. i. Elizabeth Garner b. MAR 11, 1811.
ii. Alfred Garner, b. 1812, d. 23 Jun 1884.
iii. Burgess Garner, d. 1843, b. 1812.
iv. Johanna Garner, b. 1813, d. 1880.
v. Hulda Garner, b. 1816, d. 1851.
vi. Margery Garner, b. 1818, d. 1841.
vii. Samuel Garner, d. 16 Aug 1900 in Preston, West Virginia, United States, b. 4 Jul 1820 in Preston, VA, West Virginia, United States.
viii. William Garner, d. 1895, b. 1822 in Kingwood, Preston, Virginia, United States.
ix. Amos Garner, b. 1823, d. 1864.
x. Simon Garner, d. 18 Dec 1903, b. 4 May 1825 in Kingwood, Preston, Virginia, United States.
xi. Julia Ann Garner, b. 1827 in Preston, West Virginia, United States, d. 1885 in Preston, West Virginia, United States.
xii. John Garner, d. Sep 1880 in Dennison, Grayson, Texas, United States, b. 1829.
31st Generation
31. Elizabeth Garner, d. JUL 31, 1854 in Kingwood, Preston Co., Virginia, b. MAR 11, 1811 in Preston County, Virginia. She married (1) Henry Parks, b. 9 Mar 1811 in Virginia, United States, d. BEF 1798. She married (2) James Jenkins, 28 Feb 1798 in Shenandoah Co., VA.
i. William Parks, b. 1784.
ii. James Parks, b. 1785.
32. iii. Nancy Parks b. ABT 1786.
33. iv. George Parks b. FEB 1787.
v. Zachariah Jenkins, b. 1801.
vi. Burgess Parks, b. in Kingswood, West Virginia, United States.
vii. Juliet B Parks, b. 5 Dec 1836 in Kingwood, Preston, West Virginia, United States, d. 28 Mar 1906 in Kingwood, Preston, West Virginia, United States.
viii. Phoeb Parks, d. 19 Jan 1902 in Reedsville, Preston, West Virginia, United States, b. 1838.
ix. Benjamine G Parks, b. 1840.
x. Caroline A Parks, b. 1847.
xi. Carrie Parks, b. 1847 in West Virginia, United States.
xii. Julia Parks, d. Sep 1911 in Troy, Pike, Alabama, United States, b. 1850 in Chambers, Alabama, United States.
xiii. Lucien Lone Parks, d. 23 Jul 1929 in Morgan, West Virginia, United States, b. 15 Nov 1850.
32nd Generation
32. Nancy Parks, b. ABT 1786. She married Jonathan Knight, 9 Nov 1812 in Shenandoah Co., VA.
i. Julia Knight, b. 1813. She married Strother Jenkins, 10 May 1837 in Page Co., VA.
ii. Harrison Knight, b. 1 Oct 1818. He married Matilda Jenkins, 5 Oct 1835 in Page Co., VA.
iii. Margaret Knight, b. 1826.
iv. William D. Knight, b. 1830.
33. George Parks, b. FEB 1787 in East Blue Ridge, Virginia, d. 2 Aug 1857 in Page Co., VA. He married Mary Elizabeth Judy, NOV 14, 1816 in Shenandoah, Virginia, b. 1797 in Virginia (daughter of Abraham Judy and Catherine Olinger), d. 8 Apr 1884 in Page Co. VA.
i. Ann Parks, b. 1818 in Virginia, United States.
34. ii. Catharine Parks b. 1821.
iii. Jacob Franklin Parks, d. 1906, b. 1825 in Shenandoah, Virginia, United States.
35. iv. Barbara Parks b. 1826.
36. v. William Parks b. 1831.
vi. John Parks, b. 1831.
37. vii. Sarah J. Parks b. 1833.
38. viii. James Parks b. 1836.
39. ix. Eliza Jane Parks Suthard b. DEC. 25, 1846.
x. John H. Parks, b. 1850.
33rd Generation
34. Catharine Parks, b. 1821 in Virginia. She married Christian Aleshire, 1849, b. ABT 1827 (son of Jacob Aleshire and Barbara Judy).
i. Sarah Aleshire, b. ABT 1851.
40. ii. Jacob Aleshire b. ABT 1852.
iii. Clarinda A. Aleshire, b. 5 Aug 1855 in Page Co., VA, d. 23 JULY 1934. She married John W. Gray.
iv. Mary Angeline Aleshire, b. 1856 in VA.
v. Catherine Aleshire, b. 1866.
35. Barbara Parks, d. 26 Jun 1894 in Page, Virginia, United States, b. 1826 in Virginia, United States. She married Jacob Eckard.
41. i. Nancy Eckard.
ii. Sarah Eckard.
iii. John Eckard.
iv. Elizabeth Eckard.
v. Eva Ann Eckard. She married Isaac Newton Gochenour.
vi. Eliza Eckard.
vii. Jacob Paul Eckard.
viii. Barbara Ellen Eckard.
36. William Parks, d. 1865, b. 1831 in Shenandoah, Virginia, United States. He married Elizabeth Catherine JENKINS, b. 1841 in Page Co., VA, d. APR 6, 1921 in Marksville, Page Co., VA.
i. Lydia.
37. Sarah J. Parks, b. 1833 in Virginia, United States. She married Noah Aleshire, 1850, b. ABT 1829 (son of Jacob Aleshire and Barbara Judy).
i. Thomas William Aleshire. He married Mary E. Parks, b. ABT 1856 (daughter of Jacob Parks and Eliza Behm).
42. ii. Benjamin Aleshire b. ABT 1853.
iii. Oliver Aleshire. He married Susan.
38. James Parks, b. 1836 in Page County, VA. He married Frances E. Eddins, 20 Jan 1859 in Page Co., VA, b. 1836 in Page Co., VA, d. 15 May 1943 in Pine Grove, Page Co., VA, buried in Pettit Family Graveyard.
i. Adealus Ann Parks, b. 1865, d. 15 May 1943, buried in George Pettit Family Graveyard Pine Grove.
ii. Isaac Benton Parks, b. 1869, d. 25 Feb 1936 in Page Co., VA, buried in George Pettit Family Graveyard, Pine Grove.
iii. Fannie Belle Parks, b. 9 Apr 1869 in Hawksbill, Page Co., VA, d. 12 Mar 1938 in Pine Grove, Page Co., VA, buried in George Pettit Family Graveyard, Pine Grove.
iv. John Henry Parks, b. 7 Jun 1872 in Mt. Hope, Page Co., VA, d. 22 Apr 1934 in Page Co., VA, buried in George Pettit Family Graveyard, Pine Grove.
v. Edward Amos Parks, b. 1876 in Pine Grove, Page Co., VA, d. 25 Sep 1951 in Marksville District, Page Co., VA, buried in George Pettit Family Graveyard, Pine Grove.
vi. Virginia L. Parks, b. 8 Oct 1879 in Beaver Run, Page Co., VA.
39. Eliza Jane Parks Suthard, b. DEC. 25, 1846 in Page County, Virginia, d. SEP. 13, 1927 in Page County, Virginia, buried in Graves Chapel, Stanley, Virginia. She married Joshua Calvin Suthard, 30 Dec 1868, b. MAR. 1, 1841 in Page County, Virginia (son of William Henry Suthard and Sally), d. DEC. 2, 1900 in Page County, Virginia, buried in Graves Chapel, Stanley, Virginia.
43. i. Lula Ann Suthard b. SEP. 29, 1869.
ii. William Suthard, b. SEP. 30, 1871 in Page County, Virginia, d. JUL. 16, 1904 in Page County, Virginia.
iii. Evangeline Suthard, b. APR 3, 1873 in Page County, Virginia, d. MAY 4, 1898 in Page County, Virginia, buried in Graves Chapel, Stanley, Virginia.
iv. Hortense Southard, b. 20 Sep 1876 in Hawksbill, Page Co., VA, buried in Leaksville United Church of Christ Cem., d. 1955. She married Frank Wharton Huffman, FEB 22, 1899 in Page County, VA, b. 8 Nov 1878 in Leaksville, Page Co., VA (son of Isaac Huffman and Rachel Jenkins), d. 1942 in Leakesville Church Cemetery.
34th Generation
40. Jacob Aleshire, b. ABT 1852. He married Nancy Eckard, 5 Feb 1880 (daughter of Jacob Eckard and Barbara Parks).
i. Lizzie Aleshire, b. ABT 1881.
ii. Lydia Cora Aleshire, b. ABT 1888. She married David Benton Gochenour.
iii. Henry Aleshire, b. ABT 1892. He married Lucy Seal, 11 Sep 1910 in Page Co., VA.
41. Nancy Eckard (See marriage to number 40.)
42. Benjamin Aleshire, b. ABT 1853. He married Barbara Sours, b. ABT 1856.
i. Martin Luther Aleshire.
ii. Salome Aleshire.
iii. Mary Aleshire.
iv. Lizzie Aleshire.
v. Blanche Aleshire.
vi. Minnie Aleshire.
vii. Noah Aleshire.
43. Lula Ann Suthard, b. SEP. 29, 1869 in Page County, Virginia, d. APR. 2, 1942 in Page County, Virginia, buried in Graves Chapel, Stanley, Virginia. She married Robert Trenton Roudabush, b. SEP. 22, 1867 in Page County, Virginia (son of Peter William Roudabush and Elizabeth Jane Koontz), d. DEC. 5, 1945 in Page County, Virginia, buried in Graves Chapel, Stanley, Virginia.
44. i. Sudie Mae Roudabush b. NOV 20, 1893.
ii. Claude B. Roudabush, b. APR. 4, 1894 in Virginia, d. JAN. 30, 1942.
iii. Maudeline Roudabush, b. JAN. 29, 1897, d. FEB. 9,1899.
45. iv. Guy Roudabush b. 29 Oct 1898.
46. v. Frank Calvin Roudabush b. APRIL 14, 1904.
47. vi. Edith Roudabush.
35th Generation
44. Sudie Mae Roudabush, b. NOV 20, 1893 in Page County, VA, d. DEC 9, 1972 in Harrisonburg, VA, buried in Coverstone Cemetery Shenandoah, Page Co. VA. She married Charles Edward Louderback, JUN 27, 1912, b. OCT 15, 1885 in Grove Hill, Page Co. VA (son of Isaac Newton Louderback and Anne Eliza Walton), d. 1978 in Page County, VA.
i. William Orville Louderback, b. JUN 6, 1916 in Page Co., VA, d. OCT 14, 1986 in Harrisonburg, VA. He married Frances Irene Leap, MAR 15, 1940.
ii. Guy Leon Louderback, b. JUN 4, 1919 in Page Co., VA, d. JAN 2, 1996 in Harrisonburg, VA. He married Treva Rigata Comer, MAY 16, 1938.
iii. Charles Edward Louderback, b. DEC 20, 1921 in Page Co., VA, d. JAN 14, 1994 in Harrisonburg, VA. He married Lucy Marie Grimsley, NOV 1, 1987.
45. Guy Roudabush, b. 29 Oct 1898 in Marksville, VA, buried in Graves Chapel, Marksville, VA, d. JAN. 21, 1974 in Hyattsville, Prince Georges, Maryland, United States of America. He married Virginia Bushong, 1928, b. 1911 in Texas County, Oklahoma (daughter of Virgil Silman Bushong (born William M. Bushong) and Mary Elizabeth “Lizzie” Campbell).
i. Alda May Roudabush, b. 1929 in Page County, VA, d. 2005. She married Ralph Howard Pounds, b. 14 Sep 1924 in South Carolina (son of Newman Calloway Pounds Sr. and Mary B Pounds), d. 7 Apr 2009 in Baltimore, Baltimore City, Maryland.
46. Frank Calvin Roudabush, b. APRIL 14, 1904 in Page County, Virginia, d. SEPTEMBER 1973 in Baltimore, Maryland. He married (1) Margaret Gorecki, b. OCT 14, 1910 in Baltimore, Maryland (daughter of Albert George Gorecki and Agnes Nowak), d. SEP. 22, 1972 in Baltimore, Maryland. He married (2) Esther Roudabush, b. 30 Jun 1910 in West Virginia, d. Sep 1986 in Baltimore, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America.
48. i. Phyllis Lea Roudabush.
ii. Robert Trenton Roudabush.
iii. Colleen Marie Roudabush, b. 1928 in Still born – at home, d. 1928.
iv. Little Esther.
47. Edith Roudabush. She married Roy Meadows.
i. Leroy Meadows.
ii. Betty Lou Meadows.
36th Generation
48. Phyllis Lea Roudabush. She married LeRoy Christian Habersack, b. FEBRUARY 10, 1931 in Baltimore, MD (son of Henry Conrad Habersack and Florence Manns).
49. i. Michael Alan Habersack, Senior b. OCTOBER 24, 1960.
50. ii. Brian Gary Habersack.
37th Generation
49. Michael Alan Habersack, Senior, b. OCTOBER 24, 1960 in Baltimore, MD at Church Home Hospital. He married Elizabeth Lee Powers Habersack, JANUARY 4, 1985 in Rosedale Baptist Church, Baltimore MD., b. JUL 17, 1957 in Baltimore Maryland (daughter of George Joseph Powers and Carolyn Agnes Lannon).
i. Michael Habersack Jr..
ii. Dina Marie Habersack. She married Jonathan Paul Kress (son of Eugene Paul Kress Jr.).
iii. Christian Joseph Habersack. He married Lisa Beth Jones.
50. Brian Gary Habersack, b. in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Victoria Jean Valunas Habersack, b. in Baltimore, MD.
i. M Habersack, b. in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Baltimore.
ii. T Habersack, b. in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Baltimore.
iii. H Habersack, b. in Franklin Square Hosp., Baltimore, MD.